Helping Improve Cooperation, Teamwork,
and Performance Within Organizations.
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Alan Caron is an experienced executive, entrepreneur, strategist...marketer, facilitator/coach, speaker and innovator. He has over 35 years of experience with a proven track record as both a top corporate executive and partner level management consultant. Alan works with CEOs and their management teams on strategic and business planning, innovation, marketing and sales planning, and developing effective implementation strategies to create and sustain customer focused, high performance organizations. He is an expert in facilitating difficult and challenging meetings with groups ranging from Boards of Directors to front line employee teams. He is also a certified solutions provider for the QUADRED on-line Strategic Performance Assessments used by successful companies around the world to assess their management and leadership practices.

He has worked with a wide variety organizations from start-ups to Fortune 50 companies, in helping them achieve improved cooperation and teamwork and become more innovative. He has lead the development and implementation of strategic plans and business plans. He has proven expertise in business development; in developing and implementing marketing, sales and customer service plans and programs; change management programs; leadership development, and new business ideas. Caron has had engagements with many public sector and non-profit organizations as well.

Alan has a broad range of experience with new ventures in wireless communications, e-commerce, interactive services, educational technologies, intelligent engineering systems, energy services, energy marketing, equipment service, independent power production, and other technologies. He has assisted companies in raising capital, and has successfully launched several ventures. He has led and facilitated teams in virtually all areas of management, working with boards of directors, senior executives, and hands-on professionals, successfully helping them achieve their objectives.

Caron has conducted corporate and public workshops; is a noted speaker at both corporate meetings and public forums covering a wide variety of current management topics; has been quoted in numerous publications including Business Week, Electricity Journal, Cablevision Magazine, and SourceBook; has published articles on strategy, new ventures, and marketing and sales; and authored the Business Plan Assessment Guide, and Points to Ponder on Joint Ventures and Alliances, and books on Strategic Marketing and Sales Planning and Managing Teams Effectively.
He is pragmatic, focused, energetic, and creative in helping clients achieve their business objectives.
Direct: 813.786.4620 • Fax: 813.907.5146 • Email: